Link to Me

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17 responses to “Link to Me

  1. Hello,

    I came across your site while searching the net for some quality websites. I think you did a great job with your site.

    My name is Daniel. I work for The European Human Rights Centre (EHRC).

    I would like to add your site to our usefull links page ( )
    and I was wondering if you can post a link with our site in your website.

    For your convenience I send you bellow the code for our website:

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll answer your
    questions promtly.

    We are Nonprofit organization .
    Best regards,
    European Human Rights Centre
    HPM G5
    ETH Honggeberg
    CH-8093 Zurich / Switzerland
    Tel: +41-1-638-3453
    Fax: +41-1-693-10 73 and 693 11 51

  2. Hello,

    Thanks for leaving a comment! I’ve added a link in the “official websites” section.

  3. To Whom It May Concern,

    We would like to send you an invitation to blog for a forthcoming event in the Middle East. However, the email I sent to the address above has bounced back. At your earliest convenience, could you kindly send me an email so I can send you further information. Thank you in advance for your time.

    Kind regards,

  4. Hi
    This is YUROZ
    Just want to wish you good luck with the painting…:):)

  5. Hello. Could you give me please your email because I want to write you an email very important.
    Thank you

  6. Los Angeles Times launches “Babylon & Beyond,” a staff
    blog on the life and times of the Middle East,
    With wars, civil strife and cultural changes sweeping
    the Muslim world, the Los Angeles Times today launched
    a regional blog to allow its correspondents to
    interact with readers. With contributors from the
    paper’s award-winning Baghdad bureau, Jerusalem,
    Cairo, Beirut, Washington and other locales, Babylon &
    Beyond will offer a unique, colorful and personal
    approach to a controversial region.
    “We will go beyond the headlines and daily violence,”
    said Marjorie Miller, foreign editor of the Los
    Angeles Times. “We hope to capture the rich, vibrant
    and ancient cultures of these countries, to bring you
    closer to the people who live there and to our
    reporters who work there.”

  7. Great blog! Would you add a link to my blog on your website? Thanks.

  8. great blog and posts and link i am blogging about middle east so can u plz check my site out and link to me i will link to this blog

  9. Hey! Awesome blog. I’ll link to it on my blog Could you add my website to your list as well? That’d be awesome.

    Keep up the good work!

  10. Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI is hosting a Middle East Colloquium about intellectual freedom and freedom of the media on April 16 and 17. Check out this link for more information:

  11. Hello,

    I found your listing of blogs, forums, etc. to be very helpful, and would appreciate having my website included in the blog, forum, and activism section.

    I am working on a project called Selling a Vsision of Hope, which is an approach to the Middle East based on 5 elements:

    1. A new ideological framework based on common sense notions.

    2. Investing in projects which resonate with hope, which create jobs, and which protect the environment.

    3. Using An Ideology of Common Sense along with some well placed Investment Dollars to Sell a Vision of Hope- a Vision of Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom- on the Arab street, in the Muslim world, and in the world as a whole.

    4. Sustaining a Vision of Hope by launching a series of Public Diplomacy Programs, such as: a Media Campaign, a program to Empower Women, a Student Exchance, a Cultural Exchange, an expanded version of the Peace Corps, and a series of International Conferences on Religion, Economics, and Education.

    5. And when necessary, fighting against extremisms, but positioning the fight within a Vision of Hope. Raising the fight on the ground to a higher moral plain by giving the fight a moral clarity of purpose.

    You are more than welcome to visit the website, and I would welcome your comments. If you think the project has merit, I would like to be linked to your very informative site.

    Thanks for your kind consideration,


  12. Please could you get in touch. The CEO of Demotix is travelling to the region over the next few days and would love to meet you and discuss your work.


    skype: cherise.chadwick

  13. Hello, your site is excellent. I so wish I could get your e-mail.

    I always had the dream that we Lebanese could have a strong lobby to save our country. It is so sad how foreigners destroyed it in the past. Will Beirut rise again? Will the strong powers in the world leave our country alone and stop making us fighting each other and blaming us on the civil wars? There are a lot of stories that some foreigners tell me: Oh, when this or that embassy was bombed in Lebanon. As if we’ re the criminals… Anyway, I wish you the best luck in your work.

    Lebanon= Christians, Jews and Muslims.

  14. Et a tous ceus qui veulent detruire Israel… Svp.. laissez-nous en paix! Nous ne serons plus des outils entre les mains des forces regionales et internationales! Que ce pays redevienne comme il etait durant les annees 60! Libanais du monde, unissez-vous!

  15. Hello,

    I am currently involved with a project focusing on an electronic magazine on the middle-eastern political and social and economical issues. The idea is to gather the analysis of experts and ordinary people beside one another on crucial issues and create a resource where less known, passionate critical thinkers can express variety of opinions on the issues related to this region. Thus, although we have an analytical focus, we are seeking an objective approach enabling the free expression of different opinions.
    Hence, I would like to invite you to join us as either a guest write or a permanent member and share with us our knowledge and opinions. Please contact me if you are interested as soon as possible.


  16. I thank you for joining and please visit my blog at http:/

  17. Hi!
    I’m new to blogger and I made a blog about news in the middle east, and since your blog is awesome, I was wondering if you could give me feedback on my blog and maybe we can link to to each other. my blog is:


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